
動物農莊 e 3 馬仔

Boxer是一個善良,敬業,和尊重 e 工人

Boxer bē受著 利誘 、威嚇,koh真忠實

Boxer m是 中國歷史 e 義和團!



:“我會更加努力工作” kap

“儘管拿破崙腐敗, 拿破崙永遠是正確的。” *

三葉草是 Boxer 的同伴,

一 是關心Boxer ,

三葉草 Iau 是 其他的馬 chham 其他一般動物的女族長

Chham 其他一 e 馬仔 named 莫利卡;


[ reference from George Orwell: 動物農莊 1945 the U K p. 2 .]

檢視次數: 381

唐 秉輝在7:17am對2010 一月 21的評論
First Edition

Published by Secker and Warburg (London) on 17 August 1945.
Edition of 4,500 copies. Imprint states: "First published May 1945" but publication was actually delayed by 3 months due to paper shortage. Binding: Green calico textured cloth on boards.

Orwell, George (1946). Animal Farm. New York: The New American Library. p. 40.
Main article: Animal Farm
Old Major (also called Willingdon Beauty) is the first major character described by George Orwell in Animal Farm. This "purebred" of pigs is a kind, grandfatherly philosopher of change. According to one interpretation, he could be based upon both Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. However, according to Christopher Hitchens: "the persons of Lenin and Trotsky are combined into one [i..e., Snowball], or, it might even be truer to say, there is no Lenin-pig at all".

Old Major proposes a solution to the animals' desperate plight on Manor Farm under the Jones administration (representing the tsar and autocracy) and he inspires thoughts of a rebellion of sorts among the animals. The actual time of the revolt is unsaid; it could be tomorrow or several generations down the road. Old Major's "Barn-Yard Speech" at the very onset of the story could be a reference to the Communist Manifesto. The animals are stirred up by this speech, and set to work immediately on the bringing about of the Rebellion.

Shortly after his death, the animals rise in revolt and oust the humans from power. This rebellious act is so quick that many don't realize it happened until it is over. The animals drive Jones and the farmhands off of the farm and remove many of the implements of his rule.

The Seven Commandments that Snowball had transcribed, that were supposed to encompass Old Major's general philosophy, are gradually altered and deformed under Napoleon until they come to entirely different meanings than were originally intended. Also, "Beasts of England", the song that came to Old Major in his dream, was later banned on Animal Farm by Napoleon, at which time it was replaced by "Comrade Napoleon", a hymn composed by Minimus the pig that pledges allegiance to Animal Farm and to work to protect it.

In both film adaptations, Major dies while provoking the animals into rebelling. In the 1954 adaption, he dies suddenly while the animals are singing. The 1999 version is even more unfaithful- Jones slips in mud while investigating the sounds coming from the barn, fires his shotgun, and indirectly hits Major in the rear, killing him.

With Animal Farm being parallel to the formation of the Soviet Union, Old Major was based on both Lenin and Marx. The animals hold him in high esteem, and dig up his skull and walk past it and salute it every day, much as Lenin's body was preserved and is kept on display in Moscow. Towards the end of the story Napoleon announces that he had buried the skull. Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto, died before the first communist revolution, much as Old Major, founder of Animalism, dies before the Animal Farm revolution. His body was saluted by the soldiers everyday, even after the rebellion. This show of respect was a sign that the animals remembered their roots and the roots of the Rebellion. Old Major was very much honored in this way because he was the idealist behind the Rebellion and initiated the work towards it.

三葉草 Clover is Boxer's companion, who constantly cares for him, and she also acts as the matriarch for the other horses, and other animals in general (such as the ducklings she shelters with her fore-legs and hooves during Old Major's speech).

Mollie is a self-centered, self-indulgent and vain young white mare who likes wearing ribbons in her mane, eating sugar cubes, and being pampered and groomed by humans.

She quickly leaves for another farm and is only once mentioned again.

Benjamin is one of the longest-lived animals, has the worst temper and one of the few who can read. Benjamin is a very dedicated friend to Boxer, and does nothing to warn the other animals of the pigs' corruption, (which he secretly realizes is steadily unfolding). When asked if he was happier post-Revolution than before the Revolution, Benjamin remarks, "Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey." He is cynical and pessimistic, his most often made statement being "Life will go on as it has always gone on - that is, badly". But he is also one of the wisest animals on the farm, and is able to "read as well as any pig".

steadily unfolding refers to the pigs' corruption- which is steadily unfolding.



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