
西藏的雪地謀殺事件(Tibet, the murder in snow)

對著迷於西藏鐵道之旅的朋友 ,以下報導或許可平衡一下對中國的認知
西藏的雪地謀殺事件震驚全球,當一群朝聖者在越過惡名昭彰的南霸(Nangpa)隘口以逃離西藏時遭中國邊防警察開火, 一個十幾歲的藏族尼姑--格桑纳木卓被殺, 此拍攝下來的影片被許多國際登山者證實,其中一些錄像或拍下整個事件的人還參與救援倖存者,並將此事件公諸於世。


使用原來登山者的鏡頭,重演與採訪目擊者與倖存者,"西藏:雪中謀殺" 告訴我們, 西藏的年輕人每年冒著生命的危險企圖非法越過崎嶇的喜馬拉雅山脈去見他們的精神領袖達賴喇嘛,或參加印度的學校。

這是一個危險的旅程 。2006年9月,70多位年輕人花了三夜坐在一輛卡車的後面,向南駛向喜馬拉雅山。然後這群難民走了10多晚,以不足的衣服及有限食物和水走向惡名昭彰6000米的南霸山道下,這是通往尼泊爾古代貿易的路線。
這些付出血汗錢給那些非法的山區響導是十多歲來自農場的女孩Dolma Palki, 16歲,以及她最好的朋友, Kelsang Namtso,17歲的尼姑。她們都希望見到達賴喇嘛和不受政治干擾的求學。 企圖越過山脈的還有一個14歲的男孩Jamyang Samten (嘉木样. 山藤) 及一位29歲的農民Lobsang Choeden(洛桑. 卓登).                                     (翻譯: Catherine Yen)


Tibet: Murder in the Snow
In an incident that shocked the world, a teenage Tibetan nun, Kelsang Namtso, was killed when Chinese border police opened fire on a group of pilgrims as they fled Tibet over the infamous Nangpa Pass. The shooting was witnessed by many international mountain climbers, some of whom videotaped or photographed the events and also helped rescue survivors and sent the story out to the world.

Using the original climber footage, reenactments and interviews with witnesses and survivors, Tibet: Murder in the Snow tells of young Tibetans who risk their lives each year to illegally cross the rugged Himalaya Mountains in an attempt to see their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, or attend school in India.

It is a dangerous journey. In September 2006, more than 70 young people travelled for three nights in the back of a truck as it drove south towards the Himalayas. Then the refugees walked for 10 more nights, with inadequate clothing and limited food and water, to the base of the infamous 6000-metre Nangpa Pass, an ancient trade route to Nepal.


Giới thiệu film:

Richard Gere 李察基爾 speaks in Berlin about Nangpa shooting

檢視次數: 402



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