
我是毋是閣做毋對代誌?(有聲台文) Have I done something wrong again?





  「莫按呢米糕瘍好無,攏遮呢大漢矣…」阿母想欲共我搡(sak)開,我拼命攬牢牢無愛放伊走,絕對袂予伊閣再離開我。自按呢,伊走去叨位,我就纏綴到叨位,伊最後無法度就投降矣,而且允准我做伊的影,我就知影位細漢到大漢攏是我嬴,兄哥攏笑我真有撒奶的功夫,當然啥物代誌老父老母攏嘛聽我的意思,嘿!嘿!每擺當等我歡喜這款場面出現的時,最後攏有夢醒予人厭氣的時刻….. 現此時,這工拾金的日子,親像欲去會見我幾若十冬前,雄雄失散的母親。

西方的好友疼惜我這款瘦弱的身体,是欲按怎有喘力提即呢沉重的「情」擔,伊講, “Poor Louise, this kind of family love is a heavy burden that is too much for such a small woman.”是啊!我嘛按呢想,我應該毋是屬於這个世間的人,為何我閣活咧? 另外我故鄉的台灣朋友嘛按呢苦勸,叫我袂使用這呢重的「情繩」來綁牢母親,應該予母親早日成佛,脫離六道輪迴之苦。



         Have I Done Something Wrong Again?   By Lee Hsiu

     Once upon summertime, my neighbor, a high-level government executive, warmly invited my newly married third brother to watch a movie. Such an invitation was a special honour in Taiwan in 1960. My third brother looked dispirited but he wanted me to go with his beautiful wife. Lying in her sickbed, my mother saw that my third brother was not leaving. She was so anxious that she urged us to go.

 “You guys should go, don’t refuse the officer’s kind invitation!”

 “I will stay home to look after Mom,” third brother said.

 I moved my gaze from my brother to my mother then tried to hide a sniffle, I asked, “How about me?”

I was addicted to films. My mind was already in the theatre. I was so excited that I completely failed to notice my mother’s depressed state of mind. Later, while we were involved in the plot of the film, we suddenly saw on the right side of the movie screen these words: “Lee Hsiu, your family has an emergency. Please go home as soon as possible.”

We sprang up from the movie theater caught a tricycle cab, and rushed to the Kaohsiung Hospital. Mother’s illness was always a great worry to me. However, she had seemed to be much better before we went to the movie. I hoped her condition was not too serious.

     “What happened? Is something wrong with my Mom?” I rushed toward my mother’s hospital room and cried out. A crowd of nurses stood in front of the hospital hall where they were sadly discussing my mother. I waited in the doorway of the hall, shivering and listening, wanting to go to my mother, but afraid to go lest there be some sight there more terrifying than I could bear.

     “She was found too late to rescue. We are so sorry!” a nurse said.

     I swung around, “What did you say? How is my mother?”

     “She passed away before she arrived at the hospital.”

     I heard a rustle of things behind my sadness of heart---I couldn’t see them. The thick cloud melted the rain instead of my tears because I couldn’t cry my heart out this moment.

Even though I knew she was no longer living, disregarding the traditional taboo, I touched my mother‘s head and my fingers softly subdued her migraine and gently pulled out the hair on her forehead as if she was still alive. In Taiwan, older women like their hair line higher up from their forehead. It is considered more beautiful. Usually when my mother was tired, she liked lying down and being massaged or having the new hair on her forehead cleaned up by her daughter…

Twenty years after Mother passed away, government policy forced her grave to be moved to another place. The land was needed for building new homes. Thus we needed to pick up her bones and find a nice place to rebury them. When we picked up her bones, I wore her underclothing that she usually wore at the hospital. I felt that my mother would more likely connect with me because she could recognize her very familiar clothing. After Mother died, whenever I missed her I smelled her body’s fragrance from this underclothing.

Everybody has been hurt or wounded, simply because it is impossible to have a life that generates only pleasant experiences. It does not matter what circumstances you were in; you might have become hurt and lonely anyway. Likewise, I adored my parents and enjoyed their love very much.

Therefore, when they passed away, I felt that it was the end of the world. My happiness suddenly faded away. Dreams were the only way to see my parents. I could dream about them. However, when we met in a dream, I couldn’t always hold on to the situation for a long time. Hence I desperately grasped my mother’s arm when I dreamed of her again.

 “Mom, I have finally found you .I don’t believe you have died.” I really hugged that familiar body and wailed.

“You don’t have to hold on to me this way. You are now grown up.” She said gently shoved my hands away. I couldn’t let her leave me once again. She walked away, but I followed her. I never gave up my pursuit. At last, she surrendered herself to my persistence and let me be her shadow. Whenever I longed for this kind of dreamland, I was very irritated when I woke up. Now that I picked up her bones and skull, it seemed as if I were really meeting my mother twenty years after she died.

After the workers had opened the outer coffin, I hastily jumped into the grave in order to once again be close to my dear gracious mother that I cherished day and night. I saw my mother’s black shoes in the coffin and felt the unbearable misery of losing my Mom. I remembered putting black shoes on her cold feet with my shivering hands twenty years ago when she was coffined.

 “What is that crazy lady doing?” the workers asked my family. Evidently, I was strange in some way. In fact, these guys didn’t know I had done a more unbelievable action when my mother was buried twenty years ago. At that time, I struggled with the workers placing my mother’s coffin in the ground, because I couldn’t stand that they were putting my mother into a totally dark cavern in a desolate mountain.

After the workers finished picking up the bones, I sadly held my mother’s skull. The summer wind brought back a strong memory. I often slept in her arms, yet this moment she lay in my arms. We were so close together physically, yet so remote from each other.

Having to dry the bones, I placed my mother’s skull, four limbs, various fingers and toes like a series of artistic treasures which would be rarely found in the world on square cement exposed to the sun. I watched that the flies, cats, or dogs didn’t come to disturb them. Similarly, when I was a child, my mother always carefully drove away the flies for me.

I touched my mother’s micro concave nasal bone. I told my children, “I probably will have this shape.” They looked at me with a smile, but no answer. Of course, by that time I will have no skull because I already told them that if I pass away, I did not want them to bury my body. Instead, I preferred they burn it to ashes and scatter them in the ocean to drift with the wind. That will be more comfortable with the limited land resources in Taiwan. Hopefully my funeral will be as simple as possible. My son once cracked a joke, saying “It would be more convenient to flush your ashes into the toilet, wouldn’t it?”

In the old days, the world was all about the parents. Now the world is all about children. I was so worried about my parents passing away that I couldn’t think about their death. Now my children and I openly talk about life after I die. Joyfully, they do not, like me, feel the need of their parents’ presence so much.

A good Canadian friend once said to me, “Poor Louise, this kind of family love is a heavy burden that is too much for such a small woman.” Yes, I often think that I do not belong in this world without my mother. But then why have I continued to live in this world so long? Additionally, a Taiwanese friend advised me, “You should not tie up your mother with the rope of sentimentality. Let her go to Buddha hood to avoid the pain of the Six Paths of Metempsychosis.”

According to these words, have I done something wrong again?



幾若十冬前, 佮老父徛佇母親的厝門口沉思

檢視次數: 366

凃妙沂在9:58am對2010 七月 7的評論
李秀在11:13pm對2010 七月 7的評論
是呀! 道理知道一些, 但要實踐, 對我來說, 是有點困難. 你知道思念一件事或人時, 有時還必須借重「大悲咒」來幫忙, 你想我的業有多重.
前些日子在台灣時, 你輕描淡寫述說一些情境, 姑娘你老早就釋然, 我還抱着事件徹夜難眠, 甚至引起一些無謂困擾.
要快樂住在這人世間, 還應該多向姑娘你學習.
王立信在3:51pm對2010 七月 30的評論
胡長松在5:19pm對2010 七月 30的評論
立信兄: 七月底開始, 回應的時袂使上傳檔案, 只有新增部落格文章的時才會使上傳。另外,新增部落格文章會使上傳的檔案並無包括音樂檔, 建議你佇別位上傳, 連接來遮分享,親像:
王立信在9:55pm對2010 七月 30的評論

李秀在3:29pm對2010 七月 31的評論
今仔日透早就出門去White Rock 欣賞後生in的交響樂團佇海邊户外的音樂會, 誠暗才轉來厝, 閣再一擺失去第一个時間聽着汝有感情的聲音, 嘛感謝汝查某囝的幫贊, 我會當看著一幅父女同齊投入一項代誌溫韾的畫面.
汝正確的台語讀音, 予我愈感覺台文的深度佮美麗, 也因為汝的聲音, 不但感動我家己, 嘛感動台光教會的教友. 因為頂禮拜我去参加「台光教會」舉辦的「黃越綏」新書「毋女江山」發表會, 當場我呼籲遂家看重台文的推動…了後我forward 汝的聲音予逐家, 想袂到有眞好的反應…最後會友希望我會當佇in的fellowship分享我的經驗…
今仔日聽後生in的音樂會了後, 腿赤跤行佇海邊土沙墘, 海中的白鷺鷥, 山頂的百花…顯出歡喜的歌聲…耶和華祝福滿滿…



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