
朋友來批講著這个馬--姓,予我想著讀冊會--裡捌聽老師講--過,這个「馬」姓以早確實是讀白話音做「Bé」,古早搬歌仔戲「山伯英台」,老大人攏嘛真熟似彼个「馬文才」(Bé Bûn-tsâi),會按呢叫--伊無冤枉--啦,因為咱台灣佮閩南對名姓ê呼音,自早是慣勢「姓」讀白話音,「名」讀讀冊音--ê,當然這个中間有寡例外,比論:「林」--姓tsîng-kah-tann攏用讀冊音ê「Lîm」,閣若名較有鄉土味、無teh放孔子白--ê,嘛會直接讀白音,比論:「陳水扁」,咱會講「Tân Tsuí-pínn」,袂刁意故去共用讀冊音讀做「Tân Suí-pián」。

也關係現今中華民國總統ê名姓欲按怎呼音,其實作家陳明仁嘛有捌予請教--過,較早有1擺陳--先-生佮另外1个老師做伙佮彼當時猶未做總統ê馬--先-生見面,根據陳明仁引講彼時陣ê情形,馬--先-生有當場請教在場ê專家:「我這个"馬"著按怎讀才著?」等問來甲陳明仁ê時,陳明仁共應講:「這愛看是中國人抑是台灣人--啦,若阮台灣人是攏讀做"Bé",中國人就通讀"Má"」,在場ê別个老師有掠準陳明仁是teh剾洗馬--先-生,毋過這其實是誤會 --啦,咱若知影這个一起掔(tsi̍t-khí-khiàn)所講咱台灣人傳統tik對名姓ê呼音原則,閣加上捌徛踮戲棚跤看「三伯英台」(Sam-pek Ing-tâi,這个人名「三伯」就是讀冊音--喔!),親身聽著老大人teh捎彼箍「馬文才/Bé Bûn-tsâi」話起話落,按呢咱的實會知陳明仁毋是烏白呾--ê,是伊ê程度傷懸,咱現此時ê人已經綴袂得著--矣。

檢視次數: 427

胡長松在3:52pm對2009 九月 14的評論
若一般底指稱無頭殼的動物的時, 馬字按怎唸 ?
Voyu Taokara Lâu在4:05pm對2009 九月 14的評論
無頭殼ê「馬」?按呢真罕有...kám ài hán講「tse國寶--neh!」 XD
Voyu Taokara Lâu在4:39pm對2009 九月 14的評論
唐 秉輝在3:40am對2009 九月 15的評論
In order to answer Brother 's question, it is called Zombies.

As for the brain without a mind, I did not mean to imply that such a
person actually exists and proves a point. Rather, I was referring to a
hypothetical creature that we know to have a brain (we can establish this
objectively) and, yet, we cannot guarantee will have a mind. Philosophers
often use such thought experiments (with zombies being on example) to
frame the question you are asking.
唐 秉輝在3:42am對2009 九月 15的評論
I'm skeptical whether knowledge about the brain will shed light on the
contents of the mind; brain science will help us understand the nature of
the biological processes produces those contents. But a brain without a
mind can never know what it's like to have a mind, in my view.
唐 秉輝在3:42am對2009 九月 15的評論
Will neuroscientific knowledge influence our moral conduct? Probably won't
influence our conduct but it could influence the extent to which we are
held responsible for our conduct. For example, mental illness is viewed
quite differently these days than it was in earlier times, and our
contemporary view of mental illness has influences our legal treatment of
the mentally ill.



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