The Tale of the White Snake
A rainy day in spring time
We went to see the movie: The Tale of the White Snake
The white snake become a white lady
The green snake become a green lady
So the snake was not a terrible animal after all
After one rainy day
My brother and I were playing in the yard
While we were playing joyfully
A green snake suddenly shows up in the thick grass
Now we were not scared anymore
We yelled:
Little Green! Please change!
We called and waited for her
To become a beautiful lady
But our loud voices brought our mother
She yelled at Father to come
They joined forces to catch the snake
We kept our big eyes wide open while we waited
The little green snake was placed in a cage and crawled around.
We waited for a long time but Little Green never become a green lady
The Tale of the White Snake is not a true story
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