
(Walk on Sand Dune)

(Sand Dune)

(Milonga for Three)

(Temple of Preometheus)


(Help Me!)

看 (seeing)

幾年來,小兒柏翰陸續在全球數一數二的網路攝影Blog- Flickr張貼不少不錯的攝影作品 (另一個著名的網路相簿為Picasa),他在工作之餘的深度嗜好,如彈奏鋼琴、寫古典樂評、及手執畫筆作畫,因最後一項令他感到表達的滯礙,遂改以相機塗繪另一片藍天。

三年多前,我開始在他的每一張照片寫評論,率直而公開地說出每張照片的肉與筋骨架構,主體與邊體的呈現與割捨,純粹性的保持,虛實的探討,或者某些物像不得不的捨棄——美的追求完全與人生相同,從來沒有一件好事不是來自努力與耕耘;在與他來來回回的溝通中,我深刻體會”心有靈犀一點通”的感動, 我通常在評論中書寫很多的想法與意見,但也會在某些作品中只寫一個 ”Good”字,到最後, 我們共同篩選作品時,只要碰到我單寫Good的作品,他會笑笑說:” Well, I think it’s’not good enough” (好吧!我想這照片一定不夠好!)就是這樣! 愛深責切的作品豈能只以一個”好”字打發 ? 他知道這不是我的行為。

這一年來他更是努力不輟,在我偶爾造訪他攝影集時的驚豔,以及他對照片的命名都令我感到深度的精進,這自然與他跨領域在音樂、美術及文學閱讀中悠游有相當大的關係。他最近有一幅作品叫做“ Milonga for Three”,他在照片的標題下寫道:「When working on this photo, strangely an audio hallucination took place- It was Piazzolla’s Milonga for Three. I suppose the music talks about a struggling love triangle, which is irrelevant to the image, but I did hear it. The original performance by Piazzolla himself was eerily haunting and hopeless. Hmm, who would have guessed that music actually helps create art in another form.」。我將它譯之如下:

「在處理這張照片時,很奇怪的一種聽幻發生了 – 那是阿根廷音樂家皮亞佐拉的音樂-- “ Milonga for Three”,我想這首曲子談的是一段三角戀情的糾纏故事,當然它與此影像風馬牛不相及,但我確實聽到了。原來皮亞佐拉想要表達的是一種詭異的困惑與絕望。嗯,又有誰能猜到音樂在實際上能以另一種形式來創造藝術呢?」。 此照片得到Flickr Award 及NPA (National Photographers Asso.) Award兩獎項。

另有數張照片,如 “Toronto’s Gardiner Expressway” (多倫多 加德納高速公路)被提名選用於國家地理雜誌(National Geographic)的封面,同時獲得 Flickr Award, NPA Award 並被選為” Spirit of Photography”;而 “ Temple of Prometheus” (普羅米修士之廟)亦被提名選用於國家地理雜誌(National Geographic)的封面,同時獲得 Riceworld 獎。

他對孤寂的荒原情有獨鍾,此一主題,近年來已成為他流利的攝影語言,他在這類作品的創作中,找到一個藝術工作者對攝影新美學詮釋的出口。柏翰是位自學的攝影者,以銳利及全面的眼光,細膩、敏感的心靈看待美,他尤其沉緬於美國西南方遼闊的景物,在曠達中尋求致遠的寧靜,對人物神采的捕捉也相當敏銳。他的作品多件被提名參選國家地理雜誌(National Geographic)傑出影像比賽,作品”Urban Pictogram”最近亦被Ephotozine(英國著名的網上攝影雜誌)選為當月傑出攝影,並獲邀參加加拿大國家電影局(National Film Board of Canada)"The Thousanth Tower"的紀錄影片計畫。

檢視次數: 343

李秀在3:11am對2010 六月 27的評論
Pohan Wu is a remarkable son. I feel you are proud that he has so much talent.
顏雪花Catherine Yen在12:02pm對2010 六月 27的評論
Yes. I did. This is to express my deep missing of him. He left home at 18, (my daughter at 16). I wrote down every scene and the eye sights when I departed from them while they were in States.
胡長松在10:52pm對2010 六月 27的評論
Really excelent photos from focusing photo eyes with self-confidence.
顏雪花Catherine Yen在11:45pm對2010 六月 27的評論
Thanks, Tiong Siong an emerging talented young generaton.
You definitely can share your flickr photos on the blogs too.
顏雪花Catherine Yen在11:53pm對2010 六月 27的評論
We have a condo in Toronto that PoHan lives there, the flat open window facing CN Tower, Roger Center and the vasted Lake Ontario, the sunset is breathtaking, also, when the snow falls from heaven, the living 40th floor can feel it's like god's white thread of hairs fly over and over again. A gigantic scene with amaze, that's why PoHan can take "Toronto’s Gardiner Expressway". Well, I would rather say a profession's photo is "make" than "take"-- believe me, your mind and brains make it, not just take it.
胡長松在12:28pm對2010 六月 28的評論
Yes, what we talked about a good photo is almost all about how to make a good picture even when we are taking it.



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