有一位曾在 Taipei American School (台北美國學校) 當過老師的詩人說, "Taiwanese, not Mandarin? Interesting. I was very distressed to return to the US, actually. Taiwan was a very special place for me..."
還有一位主修 English Liteatue 的小說家, 他每天晚上會在 Skype叫我要我多練習 Speaking, 雖然他現忙者碩士 Paper, 他說, "If you need any help with refining your translations or practicing spoken English, I am of your humble service. From what I have read in your blog tonight I see that you are already a very accomplished writer in the English language..."
哈! 凡勢會乎汝考倒,我遮個聲聲句句攏「哮哨?」講家已是外垵人。試看嘛就知:
「拍碼頭鑼….」歹勢, 這是啥物意思, 給我打pass一下. 勞力矣!
雖然回答袂出來, 但是橫直我就是正港的外垵人矣!
I wish you guys have a happy end of 2009 and a nice beginning of 2010!
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