
Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind---by Shakespeare (台譯 莎士比亞十四行詩第113首)

Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind;
And that which governs me to go about
Doth part his function and is partly blind,
Seems seeing, but effectually is out;
For it no form delivers to the heart
Of bird, of flower, or shape which it doth latch:
Of his quick objects hath the mind no part,
Nor his own vision holds what it doth catch;
For if it see the rud'st or gentlest sight,
The most sweet favour or deformed'st creature,
The mountain or the sea, the day or night,
The crow, or dove, it shapes them to your feature.
Incapable of more, replete with you,
My most true mind thus maketh mine eye untrue.















檢視次數: 862

李秀在2:31am對2010 五月 16的評論
佇Vancouver Community College 讀冊的時, 一个義大利藉的Reading老師, 三不五時攏愛導阮欣賞Shakespeare’s Sonnets。經過幾冬後,即馬受到秋白的影響,予我雄雄想着我嘛來翻做臺文看覓,橫直我即馬當咧拍拼寫臺文,算做另外一種學習臺文的工課。
李秀在3:44pm對2010 七月 20的評論
Shakespeare的Sonnets經過記載有154首。位第1首到126首,是献予一个年輕的貴族(Fair Lord),詩人歌頌這个朋友的美麗佮友情;位第127首到152首,是献予一位烏女士(Dark Lady),伊是詩人的愛人。最後两首参中間個別的幾首,是無情節的連貫性。其實伊每一首攏會使單獨看待。
阮佇課堂內捌討論過,曾有一个英國研究者捌講過其實Shakespeare的作品是一个貴族的物件所產生的作品, 報紙嘛報一大篇,眞有意思…這是題外的話。
有可能我屬於古早人,特別合意泰戈爾佮莎士比亞,in攏會講出我心肝底的心適、生氣、鬱卒、向望… 所以每冬的 “Shakespeare Festival” 佇 “Bard on the Beach” (接近史丹力公園) 舉行的時, 我攏會去鬥鬧熱参欣賞。
顏雪花Catherine Yen在6:58pm對2010 七月 20的評論
There should be three parts of Shakespeare's sonnets, Fair Youth, Dark Lady and Rival Poets as I saw in the whole text book.-- That was long long ago I studied in University, so, hope my indication on the book and the memory are still valid.
Regarding 中間的幾首 should be 78-86 , that's Rival poets, existed within The Fair youth.
李秀在5:58am對2010 七月 21的評論
It is fine of your additional remark.
Actually, today we have many different versions of Shakespeare’s works, but years ago, I don’t know there was whatever like that.
顏雪花Catherine Yen在9:07pm對2010 七月 21的評論
The dispute is quite adorable, it enhanced a thorough understanding and deciphered an importance of deep research in literature, now I found a translation of sonnet 113 into modern English, it's easier to depict Shakespeare's cunning words usage. Actually, Shakespeare's sonnets do have their connections one another , sonnet 113 got some lines similar to sonnet 46 and 47.

The translation into modern English by foreign profession as below, just FYI

Since I left you I've been preoccupied with my thoughts, and my eyes, that allow me to see what's going on around me, function only partly, so that I'm half blind. I have some vision but it's unfocused because it can't define any form, such as birds, flowers or anything else it lands on. My mind can't grasp anything my eyes show it, nor can my vision retain anything it captures. That's because whatever it sees – the most crude or gentlest sight, the most sweetly-formed or the most deformed creature, the mountain or the sea, the day or the night, the crow or the dove – my vision shapes it to resemble you. Incapable of doing anything else, and filled with your image, my faithful mind makes me see everything unfaithfully.
李秀在5:11am對2010 七月 22的評論
It is very nice of you to discuss about Shakespeare’s work to extend the vision of readers.
李秀在4:07am對2010 七月 24的評論
"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick." is a good reminder to never lose "hope".



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