
溪 水




Even though I am apart from the rest of the world
I am still not sad or helpless

I’m brave enough to climb over rocks and mountains
I strive to pass many crooked old trees
I work hard to flow through the bumpy land
Nobody can keep me from my dream

I enjoy skipping
And singing songs
Let my voice be heard by the green hills
And make the grass shiver

I rush joyfully toward the ocean
A bigger world is waiting for me

檢視次數: 211

李秀在7:28am對2009 十月 24的評論
我毋知這首有受著 Beethoven 的影響無?
Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony, nicknamed Pastoral Symphony, incorporates all of his love of nature, his pantheistic religiosity, his simple goodness…我對自然的意向參伊嘛有稍寡仝款, 所以伊的第二樂章 “Scene by the Brook” 參我這首童詩 “溪水Brook”, 我有話想欲講出來. 最近閣認真聽這首(田園交響樂)的旋律, 佮伊有「不謀而合」的感覺. 講出來罔作參考爾爾.
顏雪花Catherine Yen在12:03am對2009 十月 25的評論
Another aspect, I think the scene by the brook can also be inerpreted thru Bedrich Smetana's Moldau, its main theme prevails the lingered emotion that sings the soul of the nation. a very beautiful one, is differnt from Beethoven's, but both are nobel.
李秀在5:55am對2009 十月 25的評論
Bedrich Smetana my country (史麥塔納- 我的祖國), 是史麥塔納耳聾之後所創作的著名交響詩, 這和貝多芬耳聾的情形是一樣的, 不僅讓人感受到真正偉大作品係發自內心深處, 這時外在的因素已不是太重要了. 每次接觸扣人心弦的作品, 這些音樂家、藝術家、作家…讓人感受他們真是宇宙的天心啊!

有關描述大自然景象的曲子很多, 像韋瓦弟的四季、德布西的月光、貝多芬的月光(每次彈貝多芬月光曲會情不自禁落淚) 、柴可夫斯基也有描述從一月到十二月的景象...

由於忠愛大自然, 連帶的對大自然描述的旋律特別喜愛, 由於瘋狂貝多芬的田園, 所以孩子們都取笑我他們從小被迫聽這首旋律長大的, 如今他現在於樂團拉貝多芬的田園讓他又回到童年時光. 有時我熱愛一樣東西會像「起痟」, 也常是他們取笑的對象, 這時我像小孩, 他們像大人.

感謝妳的話題, 撩起我年青原初的嗜好.
顏雪花Catherine Yen在11:42pm對2009 十月 25的評論
Yes, when you listen to 貝多芬's月光 quietly, it really brings you tears, you can feel and sense he is so lonely and deliberate.
李秀在4:31am對2009 十月 26的評論
Sister, with the understanding of your words you touched my feeling and melody came out like music.
By the way, you post the “National Ballet of Cuba” also a touching picture to me.
顏雪花Catherine Yen在7:47pm對2009 十月 26的評論
Share with you of two classic photos. One is Bartok, the other is Jacques Prevert

(The poet,Jacques Prevert in Paris, 1955)

(Bartok's photo)
李秀在3:21am對2009 十月 27的評論
Thank you for introducing two artists to me, one is a Hungarian musician, Bela Bartok and other one is a French poet, Jacques Prevert.

We are surrounded so many goodness knowledge (Buddhist calls 善知識) that we have a colorful and fantastic life.



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