
顏雪花Catherine Yen 的部落格 -- 五月 2010 封存 (5)

艾貢‧席勒的詩與畫 (The poetry and painting of Egon Schiele)

(Egon Schiele, Self-Portrait 1912)

(Egon Schiele, Autumn Tree)

(Gustav Klmit, the Maiden 1912-1913)…


顏雪花Catherine Yen於2010 五月 31 3:30pm添加 — 無評論

The Steppe Nefertiti

(Mangolia, oil painting by Li XingPin 2005)

The Steppe Nefertiti

The Queen in east

Steppe Nefertiti

Dressing the triumph in red

Galloping her gesture through the green

Let the black hair shed as it can be

Lend the grace to a regal dignity

Figure the powerful and self confident

Tempered by a smiling serenity

Downcast the gaze suggested a highly spirit

Head up…


顏雪花Catherine Yen於2010 五月 25 4:59pm添加 — 無評論

Blossom 綻放

( The Green Music, by Georgia O'Keeffe 1921)


My passion

Will burn you

Like a naked night

Swallowing the stars

Hopping the chest

Swimming the boat bounced on the fermented wave

Every inch of the unrestrained flow of nerve



顏雪花Catherine Yen於2010 五月 17 12:30am添加 — 1 篇評論

隨之而來輕柔的雨(There Will Come Soft Rains) by 美國女詩人莎拉.蒂絲黛兒

(Sara Teasdale in 1913)

There Will Come Soft Rains

by Sara Teasdale

There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,

And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;

And frogs in the pools singing at night,

And wild plum-trees in tremulous white;

Robins will wear their feathery fire

Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;

And not one…


顏雪花Catherine Yen於2010 五月 14 11:30pm添加 — 無評論

一道向懸處挽爬的傷口 (A Wound Clambered to Its Height)

(series 6 of Kokocinski's abbys and absoluteness)



顏雪花Catherine Yen於2010 五月 10 11:31pm添加 — 無評論

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